Host: Alexander Wang
Part 1: Online Session
Rehearsal: 4:00 PM, Feb. 19, 2022 (Saturday) | Online Recital: 5:00 PM, Feb. 19, 2022 (Saturday)
Gavotte, by F. J. GOSSEC
Austin Song | Viola
Sonatina Op. 36 No. 2 Mvt. 1
River Du I Piano
Part 2: In-person Session
Rehearsal: 6:00 PM, Feb. 19, 2022 (Saturday) | In-person Recital: 7:00 PM, Feb. 19, 2022 (Saturday)
Opening Night Jazz by M. Mier
Willem Jansen | Piano
Konzert in G by Haydn
Amber Deng | Violin
Carrying You by J. Hisaishi
Ethan Ying | Piano
Concerto in A-minor Op. 3 no. 6, 3rd Mvt. by A. Vivaldi
Willem Jansen | Violin
------ Intermission | 5 minutes ------
Minuet in G by Christian Petzold
Audrey Ma | Piano
Silent Night, Evening Bells
Heidi Chan | Piano
Summer by Daniel Gottlob Turk
Winter by Daniel Gottlob Turk
Bailey Zhao | Piano
Online: VivaceMusic.zoom.us | In-Person: 9889 Bellaire Blvd, #D261, Houston, TX 77036
All performers of the Online recital will receive the event links and passwords 23 hours in advance.
Please watch the video of Recital Logistics before the Sound & Camera Check, and contact us immediately if there is any incorrect repertoire information.
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