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This is the 10th student recital of VMR 2020-21 Season. Welcome to the concert!


Dress Rehearsal | Sound & Camera Check Time: Apr. 23, 2021 (Friday) 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Vivace Monthly Recital Series | 2020-21 Season - X Time: Apr. 24, 2021 (Saturday) 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)


Vivace Online:

All performers will receive the event links and passwords 23 hours in advance.

Please watch the video of Recital Logistics before the Sound & Camera Check, and contact us immediately if there is any repertoire information incorrect.


Host: Alexander Wang

Co-host: Angela Mu

Pupil's Concerto No.2 in G Major 1st movement by F. Seitz

Dylan Chan | Violin

Pupil's Concerto No.2 in G Major 3rd.movement by F. Seitz

Devon Chan | Violin

Allegro by Thomas Atwood | Meant to Be by Bleta Rexha

Timi Ajeigbe | Piano

Lighter Than Air by J. Vogt | The Laundry Day Blues by J. Vogt and M. S. Kelsey

Nathan Sun | Piano

Lightly Row

Skye Lindsley | Violin

Changing Times by H. Hammond

Willem Guan Yu Jansen | Piano

Castle in the Sky by Hisaishi Jo

Leo Yao | Guitar

Concerto in A minor, Op. 3, No. 6, 3rd Mvt.

Amber Deng | Violin

Waltz by Franz Schubert | Minuet by W.A. Mozart,

Julian James | Flute

Violin Sonata No.3, 2nd Movement by G.F.Handel

Norah Xie | Violin

O Waly Waly by Trad. English | Musette by J. F. Gräfe

Jodi Zhou | Piano

A Whole New World by A. Menken | Round Dance by F. Beyer

Milani Velez | Piano

Concerto in A minor, Op. 3, No. 6, 3rd Mvt by A Vivaldi

Jiayuan Wan | Violin

Double Violin Concerto in d minor by Bach

Allegra Johnson | Violin

Canon in D minor by J. Pachelbel

Melinda Zhu | Piano

Minuet No.3 by J. S. Bach | Vierzig Leichte Etuden Op. 70 No. 9 by Sebastian Lee

Jocelyne Moreno | Cello

Violin concerto in B flat Major No. 1 by Mozart

Michelle Liu | Violin


Please subscribe Vivace’s Facebook and YouTube channel as below to receive the latest posts of the performances and other events.


BTW. The Winners Concert of HIMC 2021 has been posted. I would like to share you the link below. Please subscribe the YouTube channel of Music Houston and watch the concert:

This is the 9th student recital of VMR 2020-21 Season. Welcome to the concert!


Dress Rehearsal | Sound & Camera Check Time: Mar. 20, 2021 (Saturday) 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Vivace Monthly Recital Series | 2020-21 Season - VIII Time: Mar. 21, 2021 (Sunday) 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)


Vivace Online:

All performers will receive the event links and passwords 23 hours in advance.

Please watch the video of Recital Logistics before the Sound & Camera Check, and contact us immediately if there is any repertoire information incorrect.


Host: Alexander Wang

Co-host: Angela Mu

Yankee Doodle from piano adventure | Octavius the octopus from piano adventure

Bryce Chen | Piano

Minuet 1, 2 & 3 by Bach

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Variation - Suzuki

Henry Yeung | Violin

Evening stroll by Bartok | Sonatina by Haslinger

Michael Xu | Piano

The Boy Paganini by Edward Mollenhauer

Willem Guan Yu Jansen | Violin

Marriage D’Amou by R. Clayderman

Melinda Zhu | Piano

Gigue from Sonata in d by Veracini

Sophia Long | Violin

Concerto in A minor by Accolay Callie Li | Violin

Sā yě by Éi-61

Cindy Qiu | Piano

Concerto in g minor 3rd Mvt. by Antonio Vivaldi

Karen Woodward | Violin

La Chevaleresque by J. F. Burgmüller

Willem Guan Yu Jansen | Piano

Concerto in G Major 3rd mvt by Giovanni Viotti

Vivian Stone | Violin


Please subscribe Vivace’s Facebook and YouTube channel as below to receive the latest posts of the performances and other events.


BTW. Please purchase the ticket of Houston International Music Competition (HIMC) 2021 finals (Apr. 3) to vote for the Audience Chose Prize: or send an email to to request the further info.

This is the 8th student recital of VMR 2020-21 Season. Welcome to the concert! Please sign-up to receive the link and password for the event:


Dress Rehearsal | Sound & Camera Check Time: Feb. 16, 2021 (Friday) 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Vivace Monthly Recital Series | 2020-21 Season - VIII Time: Feb. 27, 2021 (Saturday) 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)


Vivace Online:

All performers will receive the event links and passwords 23 hours in advance.

Please watch the video of Recital Logistics before the Sound & Camera Check, and contact us immediately if there is any repertoire information incorrect.


Host: Sarah Wang

Bagatelle by A. Diabelli | Sonatina in C by C. Gurlitt

Lisa Ikoma | Piano

Minuet by C. Petzold | Sonatina by A. Biehl

Kayden Wu | Piano

Sonatina No. 1 I. Allegro by T. Attwood | Angelfish by A. C. Gaudet

Jodi Zhou | Piano

"Tribal Dance", "Chord Capers" by John Thompson

Daren Wang | Piano

Für Elise by L. v. Beethoven

Yuhiko Luke Ikoma | Piano

Mazurka in A minor op. 68 no. 2 by F. Chopin

Lucas Gafford | Piano

La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin (The Girl with Flaxen Hair) by C. Debussy

Cindy Qiu | Piano

Bourree by L. Mozart/ Mr Happy Go Lucky by G. Sandre

Guwei Chen / piano

"Toreador Song from the Opera Carmen" by Georges Bizet | "Melody" by Massenet

Angela Mu/piano

"Distant Bells" by L. Streabbog, " A Frolic in Velocity" by C.Czerny (adapted)

Aaheli Das | Piano

"Prelude No.1 in C Major" (Ed. Czerny), BWV 846 book 1 by J.S. Bach

Zhaolin Colin Wu | Piano

"An Old Folk Tune", "Cross Hand Etude" | "Chinese Theatre", "Etude in B Flat", by John Thompson

Elle Shi | Piano

"Comptine D'un Autre Ete-L'apres Midi" ,Arrangement for piano by Yann Tiersen, edited by Sergio Bernardes

Emma Lane | Piano

Concerto in D Major "Adelaide" by Mozart

Alexander Wang | Violin


Please subscribe Vivace’s Facebook and YouTube channel as below to receive the latest posts of the performances and other events.


BTW. Houston International Music Competition (HIMC) is open for the early bird application now. Please visit to apply or send an email to to request the further info.

Vivace International School of Music
Vivace School of Music
Vivace Music School


Vivace Katy | Cinco Ranch

Vivace Houston | Dun Huang Plaza

Vivace Sugar Land | Riverstone

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