Please watch the video of Recital Logistics before the Sound & Camera Check, and contact us immediately if there is any repertoire information incorrect.
Dress Rehearsal: 4:00-5:00, Nov. 14, 2020
Vivace Monthly Recital Series | 2020-21 Season - V: 4:00-5:00, Nov. 15, 2020
Vivace Online: https://VivaceMusic.zoom.us
All performers will receive the event links and passwords 20 hours in advance.
The audience, please sign-up to receive the link and password for the event (https://www.VivaceMusic.org/event), and subscribe Vivace's YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/VivaceMusic) to receive the latest update.
4:00-4:30, Nov. 14, 2020
Petite Minuet | Let’s Play Ball from Piano Adventure
Angela Wang | Piano
Willow Tree Waltz by N.Faber
Edward Sun | Piano
Boogie Woogie Bill | Shufflin's Along | Shadow Dance by John Thompson
Elle Shi | Piano
Beauty and the Beast by A. Menken | The Juggler by N. Faber
Milani Velez | Piano
Skip to my Lou | The Giant Steps | Indian Tom-Toms by John Thompson
Annabeth Lu | Piano
Round Dance by F. Beyer | Minuet by J. Hook
Ethan Ying | Piano
Bourree E minor by Leopold Mozart | Mr Happy go Lucky by Gustav Sandre
Sherry Pan | Piano
L'Adieu (The Farewell) by F. Burgmüller
Yuhiko Luke Ikoma | Piano
For Elise by L.von Beethoven
Julian James | Piano
Barcarolle by Burgmuller | Child’s Song by Guilmant
Jerry Pan | Piano
4:30-5:00, Nov. 14, 2020
Innocent Child by Heinrich Henkel | Etude by Felix Le Coupey
Michael Xu | Piano
Spinning Song by John Thompson
Evan Shi | Piano
Black Swan (Acoustic Piano Version) by BTS
Angeline Ye | Piano
Gavotte by J. B. Lully | Scherzo by C. Webster
Jocelyne Moreno | Cello
Moonlight by Beethoven
Avril Ye | Piano
Student's Concertino No. 4 by Adolf Huber
Annie Huang | Violin
Concerto in A Major No. 2 by A.Komarovsky
Charles Han | Violin
Concerto in G Major No. 23 by G.Viotti
Vivian Stone | Violin
Sonatina in C major, op. 36, no. 3 I. Spiritoso II. Un poco Agitato III. Allegro by M. Clementi
Lucas Gafford | Piano