Day 1: Dec. 20 (Mon.) | Piano or Strings & Winds without Piano Accompanist
12:00 PM
Chord Patterns, Peasant Dance,Six-Eight, Cowboy’s Song
Brianna Kong | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 11:30 AM
Practice Room: Studio DW-0
12:20 PM
Tribal Dance and Broken Chord Etude
Annabeth Lu | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 11:50 AM
Practice Room: Studio DE-2
12:30 PM
Scherzo by Carl Maria von Weber | Cradle Song, op.98, no.9 by Alexander Gretchaninoff
Julian James | Piano
Arietta by F.J. Haydn, Polonaise by J.S.Bach
Julian James | Flute
Suggested Arrival Time: 12:00 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-4
12:40 PM
Rose Etude 32, No. 14 by Cyrille Rose
Julie Pao | Clarinet
Suggested Arrival Time: 12:10 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-6
Lesson: 01:00 PM-01:45 PM at Studio DE-6
12:50 PM
La chevaleresque by J.F.F. Burgmuller
Douce reverie by Tchaikovsky
Changing Times by Heather Hammond
Luffy Sun | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 12:20 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-8
01:00 PM
Sebastian Bach by Frederic Chopin
Travis Busenbark | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 12:30 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-2
01:10 PM
Yellow Bird | Classic Sonatina by N. Fabre 3rd Mvt.
Emma Zhang | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 12:40 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-4
01:20 PM
Colin Wu | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 12:50 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-8
01:40 PM
Mister Trumpet Man by Wiliiam Gillock
Douce Reverie by P.I. Tchaikovsky
Changing Times by Michael Jackson
Sonata Quasi una fantasia by Ludwig van Beethoven
Emma Lane | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:10 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-2
01:50 PM
Minuet in G by Bach
599-14 by Czerny
Hop O' My Thumb by John Thompson
Sophia Wang | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:20 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-4
02:00 PM
A Quiet Moment by Bela
Frogs by Mary Parkee
Leo Yao | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:30 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-8
02:10 PM
Petite Minutes
Allegro by Mauro Giuliani
Nathan Li | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:40 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-2
02:20 PM
Chorus from "Judas Maccabaeus" by G. F. Handel
Hunters' Chorus by C. M. von Weber
Danna Sun | Cello
Emily Tang | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:50 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-3
02:30 PM
Dancing Raindrops
Peasant Dance
The Fairies Harp by John Thomason
Hubert Tan | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 02:00 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-4
Day 2: Dec. 21 (Tue.) | Strings & Winds with Piano Accompanist (Ms. Seki)
01:10 PM
Minuet No.2 by J.S.Bach
Manning Yang | Violin
The first Nowell. Traditional Christmas Song
Manning Yang | Violin
Hui Peng | Violin
Suggested Arrival Time: 12:40 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-3
01:30 PM
Chorus from “Judas Maccabaeus” by G. F. Handel
Theme from “Witches’ Dance” by N. Paganini
Joylyn Qin | Viola
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:00 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-5
01:40 PM
Concertino, mvt. 2 by Giuseppe Tartini
Alexander Zou | Clarinet
Suggested Arrival & Rehearsal Time: 01:00 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-6
01:50 PM
Rose Etude 9 Caprices, No. 9 by Pierre Rode
Yutai Long | Clarinet
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:20 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-2
02:00 PM
Concerto no. 2 in G Major, Op. 13, 3rd Mvt. By F. Seitz
Meredith Murray | Violin
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:30 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-4
02:10 PM
Musette by Johann Sebastian Bach
O Come, All Ye Faithful by Wade's Cantus Diversi
Jodi Zhou | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:40 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-6
03:00 PM
Sonata in C major by Breval
Adagio and Allegro by Marcello
Minuets by Bach
Chanson Triste by Tchaikovsky
Tristan Li | Cello
Suggested Arrival Time: 02:30 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-3
Day 3: Dec. 22 (Wed. ) | Piano or Strings & Winds without Piano Accompanist
01:40 PM
The Chase by J. Burgmüller | Linus and Lucy by V. Guaraldi
Thomas Frey | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:10 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-6
01:50 PM
Long Long Ago by T.H. Bayly | Allegretto by S. Suzuki
Carmen Munoz | Violin
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:20 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-5
02:10 PM
Lightly Row by Doucement
Aaron Hao | Violin
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:40 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-3
02:20 PM
We Wish You A Merry Christmas | O Little Town of Bethlehem
Rayne Wang | Cello
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:50 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-6
02:30 PM
Hark! The Herald Angles Sing by F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Helen Ma, Cello
Suggested Arrival Time: 02:00 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-6
Day 4: Dec. 27 (Mon.) | Strings & Winds with Piano Accompanist (Ms. Seki)
12:30 PM
Distance Bells by Louis Streabbog | The Storm by Cornelius Gurlitt
Shuyi Huo | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 12:00 PM
Practice Room: Studio DW-6
12:45 PM
Humoresque by A. Dvorak
Aiden Xu | Violin
Rehearsal: 10:00 AM at Vivace Recital Hall with Ms. Seki
Suggested Arrival Time: 12:15 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-3
01:00 PM
Handel Sonata 4th movement by G.F. Händel
Sophia Long | Violin
Rehearsal: 10:10 AM at Vivace Recital Hall with Ms. Seki
Suggested Arrival Time: 12:30 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-5
01:10 PM
Winter Wonderland by Felix Bernard
Milani Velez | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 12:00 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-6
01:20 PM
Dudziarz by Wienlawski
Kevin Hu | Violin
Rehearsal: 10:20 AM at Vivace Recital Hall with Ms. Seki
Suggested Arrival Time: 12:50 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-7
01:30 PM
Concerto in A Minor, Op. 3, No. 6, 3rd Mvt. by A.Vivaldi
Michelle Li | Violin
Rehearsal: 11:15 AM at Vivace Recital Hall with Ms. Seki
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:00 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-2
01:40 PM
Theme from Witches' Dance by N. Paganini
Penny Gu | Violin
Rehearsal: 11:25 AM at Vivace Recital Hall with Ms. Seki
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:10 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-3
01:50 PM
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Christina Zhou | Violin
Rehearsal: 11:35 AM at Vivace Recital Hall with Ms. Seki
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:20 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-4
02:00 PM
Minuet G by L. van Beethoven
Jasmine Bai | Violin
Rehearsal: 11:45 AM at Vivace Recital Hall with Ms. Seki
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:30 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-5
02:10 PM
Minuet No. 1 by J.S. Bach
Mathea Li | Violin
Rehearsal: 11:55 AM at Vivace Recital Hall with Ms. Seki
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:40 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-7
02:20 PM
Gavotte in G minor by J.S. Bach
Lintong Cai | Violin
Rehearsal: 12:05 PM at Vivace Recital Hall with Ms. Seki
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:50 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-2
02:30 PM
Concerto in A minor 1st movement by A. Vivaldi
Milan Tan | Violin
Rehearsal: 12:15 PM at Vivace Recital Hall with Ms. Seki
Suggested Arrival Time: 02:00 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-3
02:40 PM
The Infant Paganini by Mollenhauer
Devon Chan | Violin
Annie Su | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 02:10 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-6
02:50 PM
The Boy Paganini by Mollenhauer
Dylan Chan | Violin
Annie Su | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 02:10 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-6
03:00 PM
All Falls Down by Alan Walker
Canon in D by Johann Pachelbel
Leo Yao | Guitar
Suggested Arrival Time: 02:00 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-3
03:15 PM
Jingle Bell Rock
Weilang Wang | Voice & Guitar
Milan Tan | Bass
Mason Young | Drum
Huanran Yu | Violin
Suggested Arrival Time: 02:30 PM
Practice Room: Vivace Recital Hall
Day 5: Dec. 28 (Tue.) | Strings & Winds without Piano Accompanist
Day 6: Dec. 29 (Wed.) | Piano or Strings & Winds without Piano Accompanist
01:30 PM
Fur Elise by Beethoven and Sonata in G Major by Scarlatti
Joyce Cao | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:00 PM
Practice Room: Vivace Recital Hall
01:40 PM
Rondo Alla Turca by Mozart
Julie Cao | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:00 PM
Practice Room: Vivace Recital Hall
01:50 PM
Tchaikovsky’s Theme by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Andrew Sun | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:00 PM
Practice Room: Studio DW-6
02:00 PM
Bouree by Christoph Graupner
Tino Liu | Piano
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:00 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-6
02:10 PM
Sonata in E minor by Antonio Vivaldi (1st and 2nd)
Brayden Li | Cello
Suggested Arrival Time: 01:00 PM
Practice Room: Studio DE-3
We want you to have a great Vivace Annual Recital 2021 and recording experience! In order to ensure a productive session, please follow these Helpful Tips:
1. We will send you an email with your practice room assignment and suggested performer and audience arrival time.
2. Performers should wear appropriate attire. Girls in knee-length or longer dresses or slacks, boys in dress pants and buttoned dress shirts with ties preferred, or suits. No spaghetti straps, no platform shoes, flip-flops, or athletic footwear. Please do not wear dangling, jingling jewelry.
3. The Vivace Annual Recital 2021 process can be challenging, so make sure you come adequately prepared.
4. Sign-up deadline: 14:00 PM, Dec. 17, 2021
5. You don't have to select the date that your teacher will be there, you can choose any date among the 6 days. Because the teacher's schedule is just for your reference, it is subject to change. But we will record all performance and send to you and your teacher in a week.
6. If you have the special request about the performing time, you can list it in the sign-up form.
7. You can invite your family members and friends. They can enter the recital hall before your performance, take group photos with you after your performance. Everyone shall wear mask and use the hand sanitizer at the entrance of the School.
8. Please read the Covid-19 Precaution Guidelines.
Please click the link above to fill out the form. If you have any other questions or concerns, you may contact info@VivaceMusic.org
Volunteer Opportunity:
We need stage crews and ushers for the 6 days Vivace Annual Recital 2021. If you want to join us, please click to link below to register:
FAQ of Vivace Annual Recital 2021 (and Recording) :
1. What the recording looks like?
I would share two recordings about half year ago as below fyi. And the new video and audio recording devices shall be even better.
2. Does audience need to purchase ticket?
No. The recital is free for the audience and you can invite your family members and friends. But as the Covid-19 precaution measures, please arrive and leave as the performance order and wear mask all the time in school. We will inform all performers their performance order and suggested arrival and leaving time before the recital through email. To avoid junk email issues, please save info@VivaceMusic.org as your contact.
3. Do I need to pay for the piano accompanist?
Yes. Ms. Seki is the professional piano accompanist. This includes 1 full rehearsal (20-30 min) and a run-through right before the performance. The rate is various up to the repertoire. Please upload the music in the signups portal and we will send you an email with the rate and schedule. This is on a first-come-first-serve basis, Ms. Seki will be available on 21st and 27th only.
However, you can always choose to bring your own accompanist, but send an email to info@VivaceMusic.org and let us know if you need a practice room to rehearse at school.
4. I'm learning two instruments in VISOM, can I sign up both for one time slot and pay once?
Yes. No mater you are learning two or more instruments in Vivace International School of Music, you can choose to perform in the same day or different days, and you just need to pay once, please remark it in the signups portal.
5. If I have mistake, can I perform again?
Technically you can, but we don't recommend, it is the real in-person recital, so please make sure you come adequately prepared.
Lastly the s ign-up deadline: 14:00 PM, Dec. 17, 2021 for all 6 days recital. And for the recital of 12/27, 12/28, 12/29, in case you have to submit the sign-up after Dec. 17, please send an email to info@VivaceMusic.org to let us know, and please make sure you will submit not later than Dec. 23rd.
If you have more questions, please feel free to let us know.
Covid-19 Precaution Guidelines:
Performers or Audience who are sick should not attend school in-person.
If you have had close contact with someone with COVID-19, or have the symptoms below, we highly recommend you to take the test and please contact us at once to cancel the performance:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
Performers and audience Must Wash Hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or hand sanitizer once arriving at school.
Performers and audience Must Wear Face Masks at all times in the school, performer can take off mask during the performance.
Performers and audience must arrive at school to sign in as suggested time (will be provided in our email before the recital).
All parties in the classroom need to keep distance 6ft at least, and try to avoid or reduce physical touch.
No food and No Drink in the school,
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.