This is the 9th student recital of VMR 2020-21 Season. Welcome to the concert!
Dress Rehearsal | Sound & Camera Check Time: Mar. 20, 2021 (Saturday) 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Vivace Monthly Recital Series | 2020-21 Season - VIII Time: Mar. 21, 2021 (Sunday) 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Vivace Online: https://VivaceMusic.zoom.us
All performers will receive the event links and passwords 23 hours in advance.
Please watch the video of Recital Logistics before the Sound & Camera Check, and contact us immediately if there is any repertoire information incorrect.
Host: Alexander Wang
Co-host: Angela Mu
Yankee Doodle from piano adventure | Octavius the octopus from piano adventure
Bryce Chen | Piano
Minuet 1, 2 & 3 by Bach
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Variation - Suzuki
Henry Yeung | Violin
Evening stroll by Bartok | Sonatina by Haslinger
Michael Xu | Piano
The Boy Paganini by Edward Mollenhauer
Willem Guan Yu Jansen | Violin
Marriage D’Amou by R. Clayderman
Melinda Zhu | Piano
Gigue from Sonata in d by Veracini
Sophia Long | Violin
Concerto in A minor by Accolay Callie Li | Violin
Sā yě by Éi-61
Cindy Qiu | Piano
Concerto in g minor 3rd Mvt. by Antonio Vivaldi
Karen Woodward | Violin
La Chevaleresque by J. F. Burgmüller
Willem Guan Yu Jansen | Piano
Concerto in G Major 3rd mvt by Giovanni Viotti
Vivian Stone | Violin
Please subscribe Vivace’s Facebook and YouTube channel as below to receive the latest posts of the performances and other events.
BTW. Please purchase the ticket of Houston International Music Competition (HIMC) 2021 finals (Apr. 3) to vote for the Audience Chose Prize: www.himc.us or send an email to cwu@himc.us to request the further info.
