Welcome to the concert!
Dress Rehearsal | Sound & Camera Check Time: November 13, 2021 (Saturday) 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Vivace Monthly Recital Series | 2021-22 Season - V Time: November 14, 2021 (Sunday) 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Vivace Online: https://VivaceMusic.zoom.us
All performers will receive the event links and passwords 23 hours in advance.
Please watch the video of Recital Logistics before the Sound & Camera Check, and contact us immediately if there is any incorrect repertoire information.
Host: Alexander Wang
Co-host: Shi Na Zhao
Roses for you by Louise Curcio | Cuckoo by Emil Breslaur
Bailey Zhao | Piano
Baa Baa Black Sheep | This Old Man | Allegro by S. Suzuki
Rayne Wang | Cello
Minuet in D by Mozart | The First Flakes Are Falling by Helen Madden | Inter-City Stomp by Christopher Norton
Elle Shi | Piano
Ode To Joy by L. V. Beethoven
Helen Ma | Cello
Lightly Row | Can-Can by J. Offenbach
Manning Yang | Violin
Moody Gigue by Vitalij Neugasimov | Riding the Hobby-Horse by Grechaninov
Bryce Chen | Piano
Sonata No. 3 in F Major, 2nd Mvt by G. F. Handel
Sophia Long | Violin
Menuet in G by J. S. Bach | Afrolic in Velocity by C. Czerny
Oliver Hill | Piano
Minuet No. 3 by J.S.Bach
Skye Lindsley | Violin
Teasing Song by Bartok
Laura Gao | Piano
Lightly Row | Go Tell Aunt Rhody
Evalynn Lu | Cello
Minuet by L. Boccherini
Audrey Yang | Violin
Minuet No.2 by J. S. Bach
Frederick Pang | Violin
Sonata in C Major, Minuet I & II by J. S. Bach | Scotch Dance by L. V. Beethoven-5min
Julian James | Flute
The Swan by Camille Saint-Saens
Tiffany Chen | Piano
Concerto in A Minor by A. Vivaldi
Valentina Zhang | Violin
Tarantella Etude No. 20 by F. Burgmuller | The School of Velocity, Op. 299, No. 2 by C. Czerny
Joyce Cao | Piano
Perpetual Motion by S. Suzuki | Minuet No. 3 by J. S. Bach
Joylyn Qin | Viola
Etude Op. 25, No.2 by Chopin
Chloe Chen | Piano
Sonatina in B flat Major by Baklanova
Norah Xie | Violin
Waltz by F. Schubert
Cheryl Zhou | Flute
Sonatina in C Major, Op. 20, No. 1, 3rd Mvt by Kuhlau
Umberto Barron | Piano
Sonata in D Major, No. 4 by G. F. Handel
Vivian Stone | Violin
Suite No. 1 in G Major, Minuet I & II by J. S. Bach
Emily Yi | Cello
Concerto in D Major, No. 25 by O. Rieding
Benjamin Zhou | Violin
Gipsy Rondo by J. Haydn
Emma Li | Piano
Moonlight Sonata, 1st Mvt by L. V. Beethoven
Emma Lane | Piano
Suite No.1 in G Major, Minuet I & II by J. S. Bach
Tristan Li | Cello
Etude in A Major, Op. 107, No. 10 by Sigfrid Karg-Elert | Etude in A flat Minor Op. 26, No.16 by Theobold Boehm | Etude in E flat Minor, Op. 15, No. 16 by Joachim Andersen
Melody Ma | Flute
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